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If you have at some point answered emails sent to shastd via the website then we would be grateful to have feedback about your experience.

Estimated time/day to answer emails
What benefits did you encounter? - to  public, SHASTD, personal
What difficulties did you encounter?
How would you rate on a scale of 1 -10 this component of the site? 1= should be dropped, 5 = indifferent, 10 = should be maintained
If it were to continue would you be in a position to offer further assistance?
Yes    No
If yes, how many weeks in 6 months
1 week   2 weeks   3 weeks   3+ weeks
Further comments




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           postal address: SHASTD, MSF Centre, 33-37 Moreland Street, London, EC1V 8HA.                      

  electronic mail

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