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GUM & Sexual health clinics

These are sometimes known formally and informally as:

  • STD clinics
  • ‘Special’ clinics
  • VD clinics
  • Sexual Health clinics
  • ‘Clap’ clinics

Sexually transmitted infections are diagnosed in other settings- such as clinics for pregnancy terminations, family planning, antenatal care, well women and general practice. However once picked up in these places many will be referred to a GUM clinic for further management. It is only GUM clinics that record routine statistics on sexually transmitted infections. Over 1/2 million diagnoses are made in GUM clinics up and down the country each year making them a vital service in controlling the spread of sexual infections.
(More detailed UK STI statistics)

A network of clinics was first established following the Venereal Disease Regulations of 1916 when concern about sexually transmitted diseases (STD’S) was high. There are now approximately 230 clinics in the UK. Each one offers free and confidential services and treatment for all sexually transmitted infections (STI’s) including HIV. Users are entitled to claim for reasonable travel expenses incurred when making a visit irrespective of income or employment status.

Experience of the range and quality of services will vary considerably across the country.

Further information on what to expect at a GUM clinic

GUM clinic locations.