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What is Pripsen?

Pripsen is a rasberry flavoured powder which is used to help you get rid of threadworms (pinworms)

How should I take it?

Your medication is split into two doses. The first dose is to be taken immediately, and the second in 14 days. It is advisable for all members of the family to be treated at the same time.

What if I forget a dose?

If you forget to take the second dose of Pripsen in 14 days speak to a clinic doctor, nurse or health adviser who will advise you.

Are there any side effects?

Side effects are uncommon, but if they do occur, the most likely symptoms are a rash, itching, wheezing, nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea. Consult the clinic if you are worried.

Can I take other medicines?

Pripsen should not be used if you are taking any drugs containing Pyrantel, or if you are taking any diuretics, Cardiac Glycosides or Adreno-Corticosteroid preparations. Do not take Pripsen if you are taking any anti-depressants or sedatives by your doctor.

DO NOT take Pripsen if you think that you may be pregnant, if you have kidney or liver disease, or if you have epilepsy.

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