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Code of ethics

The purpose of this Code of Ethics is to define general principles and set out standards for Health Advisers in Sexually Transmitted Diseases. Members of this Society, in assenting to this Code, accept their responsibility to patients/clients, colleagues and this Society. Health advisers will act always in such a way as to promote and safeguard the well-being and interests of their patients/clients. The patient’s/client’s interest is paramount and this Code should be used as a framework within which to work.


The health adviser forms parts of a professional and multi-disciplinary team whose responsibility it is for promoting treatment and the educative prevention of sexually transmitted diseases. The health adviser will act as a source of information for the patient/client regarding his or her current and future sexual health.


The health adviser will seek to promote treatment, containment and prevention of the spread of sexually transmitted disease by working with the patient to agree on the appropriate information to be given to sexual partners.


The health adviser will provide and maintain high standards of care by applying his or her professional knowledge and skills. Updating of these is the responsibility of the health adviser.


Information given by patients/clients to health advisers is confidential within the terms of the 1974 NHS VD Regulations. Health advisers have a duty to clarify with patients/clients which information can be properly shared with other professionals concerned in the care of the patient.


The health adviser will always recognise and promote the right of a client to self-determination. Thus the health adviser will not impose a particular set of standards, values, morals or ideals upon their patients/clients.


Health advisers will take account of the specific needs of individuals including customs, values, spiritual beliefs, sexual orientation, cultural backgrounds and disabilities.


Health advisers should identify the boundaries within which they work and be aware of their professional limitations in offering services to their patient/clients. Support and supervision are a vital part of the health advisers professional framework if they are to fulfil their responsibility to themselves and their patients/clients.


The health adviser will behave in accordance with professional scientific integrity when carrying out research and will not encourage or condone courses of action detrimental or damaging to patients/clients, their partners or to society as a whole.

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