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News items for the past 6 months can be viewed on this page. See our archive for older entries.

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Nov 2002 Health Adviser Manual: professional feedback invited via protected access website www.shastd.org.uk/manual Contact Chris Faldon for access rights
15th Oct 2002 SHASTD Conference 2003, Sheffield. Further details and online application

Flier 27KB Application 22 KB
24th August 2002 Department of Health announce the rollout of the National Chlamydia Screening Programme and publication of the pilot reports.

25 KB

Friday 11 October 2002 The Royal Society of Medicine: Day Conference

Sexual ill health in the black & ethnic minority commnities: the way forward

Details and Booking form
August 2002 Health Adviser Gill Bell (Sheffield) makes it on the DoH website homepage!
August 2002 Caledonia Youth (formerly Brook in Scotland): A new name and
expanded service across Scotland.
July 2002 The National Strategy for Sexual Health and HIV Implementation Action Plan

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           postal address: SHASTD, MSF Centre, 33-37 Moreland Street, London, EC1V 8HA.                      

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